Psychologist California License PSY6590
- Solution-Oriented Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Hypnotherapy
- Family systems and Gottman relationship therapy
- Emotional issues: depression, anxiety and phobias
- Marriage and Relationship Issues
- Health issues: chronic pain, insomnia, infertility and childbirth, cancer, auto-immune diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal disorders
- Career Issues: test anxiety, creative blocks, career choice, career change and other career difficulties
- Psychologist, License Number PSY 6590, California, since 1980
- Psychologist, License Number 5757, New York, since 1978
- Certified Gottman Educator (C.G.E.), Bringing Baby Home™, The Relationship Research Institute, Seattle, WA. 2006
- Approved Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis, (C9200), American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 2007
Ph.D. - Clinical Psychology, 1977 -
City University of New York
Clinical Psychology APA-approved Internship, 1975-76
Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center, Bronx, New York
M.A. - Developmental Psychology, 1972 -
Columbia University, New York
B.A. - Honors in Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology, 1970
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
National Merit Scholar, 1966-70
New York Governor’s Scholar, 1966-70
New York Regents’ Scholar, 1966
Hypnosis Treatment for Functional GI and Motility Disorders, with Olafur S. Palsson, Psy.D., School of Medicine, University of North Carolina and American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Chapel Hill, N.C., 2004
Three Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism with Michael Harner, Ph.D., Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Mill Valley, CA., 2000-2003
Kabbalah for Psychotherapists with Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man, Metivta, Los Angeles, 1995-2000
Marital Therapy: A Research-Based Approach-Level 1 with John Gottman,
Ph.D., 1999
Analytical Psychology, C. G. Jung Institute, New York and Los
Advanced Hypnotherapy, Milton H. Erikson, M.D., Phoenix, AZ, 1979 – 20
Medical Hypnosis, David Spiegel, M.D. and Herbert Spiegel, M.D.,
Columbia University-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, 1977-78 – 60
Biofeedback, Autogenics, Inc., New York, 1977
Faculty, Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Private Practice, Clinical Psychology, 1978-present
President, InnerVision/Self Health Cassettes, 1992-present
Consultant, Self Health Cassettes, 1983-1992
Staff Psychologist, Consultation/Liaison Service, Behavioral Medicine,
Department of Psychiatry, Southern California Permanente Medical Group,
Staff Psychologist, Liaison Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, North
Central Bronx Hospital, Bronx, New York, 1979-80.
Consultant, Life Management Services, Inc., John C. Crystal Center,
Inc., Manhasset, New York, 1977-1980
Research Director, Laboratory and Center for Stress-Related Disorders,
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City,
Consultant, Save-A-Marriage, Inc., New York City, 1976-1980.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and
Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
California, 2003-present
Adjunct Faculty, Pepperdine University, Psychology Doctoral Program,
Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Culver City, 2001.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Doctoring Program, Department of
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine, Los
Angeles, California, 1994-2002.
Clinical Associate Professor, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology,
Pasadena, California, 1982-85
Assistant Clinical Professor, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology,
Pasadena, California, 1981-82
Instructor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York,
Assistant in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, College of
Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City, 1977-78
Teaching Assistant, Columbia University Teachers College, New York City,
Southern California Society for Clinical Hypnosis, 1999-present
Board of Directors, 2002-2008
President, 2004-2008
American Psychological Association, 1976-present
Division 29: Psychotherapy,
Division 35: Psychology of Women
Division 38: Health Psychology
Division 42: Private Practice
Division 46: Media Psychology
Los Angeles County Psychological Association, 1991-present
Chair, Health Psychology Committee
Media Committee
Society for Psychotherapy Research, 1975-present
Association for Transpersonal Psychology, 1992-present
Anxiety Disorders Association of America, 1998-present
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 2006-present
International Positive Psychology Association, Charter Member, 2008-present
National Sleep Foundation, Health Care Professional Member, 2009-present
H.O.P.E. Unit Foundation, Inc.: Bereavement and Transition
Director, Board of Directors, 1997-2004
Sponsor, National Depression Screening Day and National Anxiety
Disorders Screening Day, 1996-present
Discovering Your Path in Finding Your Perfect Work: The New Career
Guide to Making a Living Creating a Life (1996) by Paul and Sarah
Edwards, Tarcher- Putnam, NY
Hire Yourself! Instructors Guide with Sarah and Paul Edwards (1993),
InnerVision, Los Angeles. CA
Creative Imagination (1984) in Surviving Nursing, Emily E.M. Smythe
(Ed), Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA
Hypnotherapy Offers Lasting Symptom Relief to Patients with Irritable
Bowel Syndrome (IBS), in The Los Angeles Psychologist, January/February
2005, p.7.
Am I in the Right Business? with Sarah and Paul Edwards in Home Office
Computing Magazine (1997)
Self-Help for the Self-Employed with Sarah Edwards in Home Office
Computing Magazine (October, 1996)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: An Algorithm for Diagnosis
and Treatment (May 11, 2009), Los Angeles County Psychological
Association, Brown Bag Lunch Series (1.5 CEs)
Passing the Test: Hypnotic Techniques for Effective Test Taking from
SAT’s to Licensing Exams (June 27, 2007), Southern California Society of
Clinical Hypnosis (1.5 CMEs)
Spiritual Emergencies vs Spiritual Emergence: Trance Phenomena and the
Varieties of Religious Experience with John O. Schairer, MD (Saturday,
November 18, 2006) Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis (3
Trance Knowledge, Trance Healing 2006 (June 28, 2006) Southern
California Society of Clinical Hypnosis (1.5 CMEs)
Using Hypnosis to Treat Insomnia (May 20, 2006) Southern California
Society of Clinical Hypnosis (3 CMEs)
Hypnosis and Behavioral Medicine: Help for Chronic Pain (March 25, 2006)
Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis (3 CMEs)
Visualize Success! Setting and Achieving Goals through Self-Hypnosis
(June 22, 2005) Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis (1.5
Hypnosis For Irritable Bowel Syndrome (February 10, 2005), Los Angeles
County Psychological Association, Health Psychology Committee, Course #
HP21005, 1.5 MCEP Hrs.
Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death: Hypnotherapy with
Cancer Patients (April 17, 2004) Southern California Society of Clinical
Basic Hypnosis: A Hands-on Workshop: Common Deepening Techniques (March
4, 2000, March 3, 2001, March 2, 2002, March,2003, May,2004,
October,2005), Southern California Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Ethical Pain Management: Facing Tough Choices (October 14, 2000)
Los Angeles County Psychological Association Convention
Perimenopause: An Often Missed Diagnosis (1999), Los Angeles County
Psychological Association, Health Psychology Committee
Trance Knowledge, Trance Healing: Dreaming the Dream Onward with
Hypnosis (October 28, 1998), Southern California Society of Clinical
Trance Knowledge, Trance Healing: Practical Applications (1996), Los
Angeles County Psychological Association
Raiders of the Lost Archetype (1994), Los Angeles County Psychological
Psychologists in the Interactive World (1994), American Psychological
Association, Los Angeles
Dreaming the Dream Onward in Mind-Body Healing: A Live
Demonstration with Roger Dafter, Ph.D. (1993), Los Angeles County
Psychological Association
Trance Knowledge, Trance Healing with John O. Schairer, M.D., Ph.D.
(1993) Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Asilomar, CA
Archetypal Experiences of Pregnancy and Childbirth (1990)
Analytical Psychology Club of Los Angeles, CA
Knight in Shining Armor Seeks Damsel in Distress. Object:
Matrimony (1989) Analytical Psychology Club, Los Angeles, CA
Therapy with Adult Daughters of Psychotic Mothers (1985)
Kaiser-Permanente Psychiatric Grand Rounds
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy on an HMO Consultation Service (1983) American
Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA
Clinical Experience and Personal Psychotherapy as Enhancers of Clinical
Judgment (1979) American Psychological Association, New York City
Psychotherapists' Formulations of a Patient's Core Conflictual
Relationship Theme (1977) Dissertation Abstracts International
(With P. Lawrence, MD, & K. Greenspan, MD), Physiological Correlates of
Biofeedback-Relaxation Training with Reynaud's Disease (1979),
Biofeedback Society of America
Trance Knowledge, Trance Healing: Practical Applications,
(1996) Los Angeles County Psychological Association
Trance Knowledge, Trance Healing (1993), InnerVision, 10921 Wilshire
Blvd., Suite 504, CA 90024-3909
Knight in Shining Armor Seeks Damsel in Distress. Object:
Matrimony (1989) C. G. Jung Bookstore, Los Angeles
Relax for New Life: Pregnancy and Childbirth Relaxation Program
(1986) Self Health Cassettes, 10921 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 504, CA
Video Cassette: Paul and Sarah Edwards' Business Generator (1993),
Producer. InnerVision, 10921 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 504, CA 90024-3909
Psychological Solutions with Dr. Jessica Schairer -
Seen on Public Access Cable TV: Century Cable TV Channel 3 and TCI
(formerly United Artists) Cable TV Channel 25 and TCI, Channel 27
The Home Office: An American Paradox, A PBS documentary by Bob Acosta
Mostly True Stories: Urban Legends Revealed, The Learning Channel (TLC)